How to choose the right smartwatch for you

Watches have always been a popular fashion accessory, even when the rise of smartphones meant they were no longer strictly required for telling time. The latest development has seen smart technology being combined with wrist watches to form portable, convenient devices with dozens of potential uses. If you’re considering investing in a smartwatch, here’s what you need to consider before you take the plunge.

  • COMPATIBILITY – The first thing you should do is: ensure the smartwatch is compatible with your smartphone’s software (i.e. Android or iPhone iOS), so that you can mirror your phone notifications. This will mean you will be able to receive alerts, such as messages and calls on your smartwatch. 
  • BATTERY POWER – While smartwatches have slightly less battery power than your phone, you’d still be surprised at how long they actually last. Depending on how the device is used, it may still last a day. You’ll also need to consider how it charges – wirelessly, via USB, or via micro USB.
  • USER-FRIENDLY – Is the smartwatch easy to navigate? Do you think you will be able to learn its features quickly? Most smartwatches are very easy to use. Some are finger-touch controlled while others might have buttons. Either way, it’s got to be one that you can see yourself using for a long period of time.
  • STYLE – If you want a smartwatch that doubles as a style statement, you should check if it comes with removable straps that you can swap out according to your outfit and mood. However, there are some smartwatches that are quite stylish on their own, which you can wear in a range of environments.

Now that you know a bit more about which factors you should be considering, you can start to consider what specific features would suit you best. For example, if you’re into fitness, you’d look for smartwatches with built-in pedometers and heart rate monitors, whereas if you want one for business purposes to use while away from your phone, you’ll look at calling and messaging capability.

Bevilles stocks a full range of smartwatches for every need and budget, so why not start your search there?


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