How to best match your watch to your outfit

A well put-together outfit can transform your look and give you a much-needed confidence boost. Choosing what you wear with care is like putting on armour before you go out to face the challenges of the day, and it’s done in a way that lets you express your personality freely.

As any fashion expert will tell you, a great outfit is more than the sum of its parts, and accessories should be included in this mix. Wondering how to integrate a practical accessory like a watch to match your outfits? We’ve got you covered:

For the office or formal event 

Formal clothing calls for a formal watch. For men, whether you’ve chosen a classic charcoal, grey, navy or neutral-coloured suit, your outfit will look best with a watch in black or brown (to match your shoes) and in a quality material such as leather. Look to your choice of belt and shoes to guide the detailing of your watch. For women, a similar theory applies by matching your watch to your shoes and belt. In addition, the style, colour and design of your dress or top and skirt should also play a factor in the look of the entire outfit. You can even invest in a smartwatch for a multi-functional timepiece that will add value in any work setting.

For everyday wear 

What watch would look good when meeting friends for a casual brunch but still be appropriate for a slightly more formal dinner date? For both men and women, a stainless-steel link watch or one with a solid leather strap is an evergreen choice that looks just as good with a casual outfit as it does when you smarten it up! Don’t be afraid to add colour here as primary shades can make for an eye-catching outfit addition.

For sporty weekends 

Spending the weekends outdoors doesn’t mean you have to compromise on personal style. There are a variety of watches available with straps made from practical canvas or similar hardworking materials. It’s an item that is versatile and that will retain its looks in the face of whatever you throw at it. For an added benefit, look for one that is waterproof to a decent depth or that charges itself using solar power, so you can stay connected even when you’re out of the city.


Don’t have any of the above in your wardrobe? As a watch is a great investment, there’s no reason why you can’t go shopping for one today. Check out our full collection now!


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